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Manufactures By Esh Haza Trading Establishment 

Master Clean 5 Liter
Master Clean
Master Clean 25 Liter_edited.jpg

Master Clean 5 Liter

Master Clean is truly the modern multi-purpose cleaner

Download All Products Infousage & Scaling in PDF Format

This Liquid is Concentrated. Avoid using full strength

Master Clean 25 Liter

Master Clean is truly the modern multi-purpose cleaner


All in One Multi-Purpose Cleaner

Master Clean is truly the modern multi-purpose cleaner. Thousands of multi-purpose cleaners flood the market, but Master Clean stands out above the rest. Master Clean completes the job that other products only start.

According to the amount of water added, you can either degrease an engine or thoroughly clean the entire interior of your vehicle or successfully complete all the tedious tasks of household cleaning

Therefore, why buy 100 different products when you can do it all with Master Clean.

It will save you time and money.

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